My Services

Neurological conditions can cause an array of problems such as weakness, fatigue, spasticity, altered sensation and coordination, reduced balance, and abnormal movement patterns. This can often make performing everyday tasks difficult.
Physiotherapy can help optimise these problems by facilitating the restoration of normal movement patterns, or encouraging the use of alternative strategies which will maximise function and ultimately lead to a better quality of life. I treat all sorts of neurological conditions such as Stroke, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Brain and Spinal Cord Injury, Functional Neurological Disorder and other muscle/movement disorders.
You may be at the beginning of your rehabilitation journey or further along in your recovery pathway, or require support to maintain a level of mobility and independence. I can support you to identify specific, realistic and achievable goals and tailor your rehab around them.
To maximise your progress an individualised exercise programme will be provided for you to carry out independently at home in between treatment sessions. Guidance will be offered on frequency, intensity, and timely progression. This programme will often include exercises to improve or maintain muscle strength, joint range, flexibility, endurance and balance; it will complement your treatment and enable you to achieve your full potential.

Following a period of immobility, it doesn't take long for muscles to weaken, joints to stiffen and lose range, and for individuals to lose their normal level of mobility. This can happen following a long period of illness, an extended hospital stay, an operation or possibly following Covid 19.
If this applies to you, Physiotherapy could play an essential role in helping you regain your general strength, joint range and mobility, and ultimately maximise your day to day function, and overall quality of life. I can also offer motivation and encouragement, and help you build your confidence in mobilising both in and outdoors.
To maximise your progress an individualised exercise programme will be provided for you to carry out independently in between sessions. Guidance will be offered on frequency, intensity, and timely progression. This programme will often included exercises to improve or maintain muscle strength, joint range, flexibility, endurance and balance; it will complement your treatment and enable you to achieve your full potential.

Unfortunately, as we get older, we can end up suffering with a variety of different conditions, as well as having a general decline in strength, mobility, bone density and balance. These problems can often worsen after a period of illness or a prolonged hospital stay. Physiotherapy in your home, or place of residence, can help you to address these issues, allowing you to regain an optimised level of function and to be as active as possible.
Various factors can mean falls can also become more likely as we age, which can be very frightening and result in a lack of confidence. A comprehensive mobility and balance assessment can help us to identify your main risk factors for falling. I can then provide advice and strategies to help reduce your risk of falling and improve your overall confidence mobilising in and outdoors.
Maintenance rehabilitation programmes are also available and recommended to optimise your day to day level of function and activity.